🚨Deadline to apply extended to Tuesday, 24 September 🚨
Are you 18 to 30 years old and want to learn about environmental peacebuilding? Do you want to develop and implement an action to address environmental issues in an intercommunal team? Then this your opportunity to become part of the inspiring network of the UN Youth Champions for Environment and Peace!
The UN in Cyprus and the British Council, through its regional Youth Connect programme, are pleased to offer for the fourth time the UN Youth Champions for Environment and Peace programme that will focus on environmental peacebuilding and implementing joint actions to address common environmental concerns.
The programme will include a 2-weekend long immersive workshop on 5, 6, 12 and 13 October 2024 that will equip participants with the knowledge and tools needed to develop their own environmental peacebuilding actions in teams. The environmental actions need to be implemented by February 2025.
The deadline for applications is 24 September. Participation is free.
Eligibility criteria
Aged 18-30, from any community living in Cyprus
A strong desire to make a significant contribution towards a peaceful and sustainable future on the island
An interest in the environment and peace and becoming active in these issues
Commitment and motivation to actively participate throughout the workshop (5,6,12 and 13 October 2024) and implement an environmental action as part of a team
Very good knowledge of English
A wish to develop interpersonal relations with participants from all communities living in Cyprus and to work together for a common cause
A desire to find out more about the work of the UN and the British Council related to youth action on climate crisis and what the UN does in Cyprus
How to apply
Fill in the application form by clicking here by Tuesday, 24 September 2024.
All successful applicants will be notified by Friday, 27 September.
For any queries, please contact us at unficyp-youthchampions@un.org.